


— Startups have revolutionized the Insurtech sector, integrating technology with the creation of new products and services that are closer to the user.

A mature sector in full growth.

The Insurtech sector has managed to raise 9,300 million euros of investment globally last year. Of this figure, Europe, led by the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, followed by Italy, Spain, and Switzerland, concentrated 50% of these operations, being the most active countries in financing rounds.

The adoption of AI, the arrival of IOT (Internet of Things) cybersecurity or robotics are some of the new opportunities that the sector faces, offering a blank sheet for the creation of new products and services that cover a new type of demand from companies and users.

New times, new alliances.

La línea que separa las aseguradoras tradicionales y las Insurtech se difumina.

New users, new solutions.

New habits require designing insurance solutions that are closer to the user.

Unstoppable growth.

A 40% increase in investment demonstrates the strength and support of the sector.

New challenges for a new era.

The Insurtech sector is facing a particularly profound revolution with the new generations. It is no longer just an evolution caused by new technologies, but by the radical change of habits and priorities in this generation.

Among the new opportunities are the design of hyper-personalized offers, the collection of massive data through IoT or customer service in a natural, real-time context that more effectively retains users or special attention to cybersecurity services.

All this, together with the necessary merger between traditional insurers and startups

, offers a future full of opportunities that only serve to strengthen a sector that has been in constant growth since its inception.

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Ready to take the next step? Select day and time for an initial call with our new business team.

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Ready to take the next step? Select day and time for an initial call with our new business team.

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