
Metaverse & Ar.

— Above media launches, XR (Extended Reality) has become the next phase of the internet, backed by over 90% of investors.


Metaverse & Ar.

— Above media launches, XR (Extended Reality) has become the next phase of the internet, backed by over 90% of investors.


Metaverse & Ar.

— Above media launches, XR (Extended Reality) has become the next phase of the internet, backed by over 90% of investors.


Metaverse & Ar.

— Above media launches, XR (Extended Reality) has become the next phase of the internet, backed by over 90% of investors.

Designing the reality of the future.

Extended Reality, which is the combination of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR), represents the next milestone in immersive virtual experiences and is already revolutionizing markets as important as entertainment, education, healthcare, and e-commerce.

Recent reports suggest it will have an economic impact of up to $3.6 Trillion, in addition to the global GDP by the year 2035. 65% of investors view early investment in the Metaverse positively, and 75% plan to maintain or increase their investments in the next 5 years.

Founders of the Metaverse.

Positioning yourself in the early stages offers unique business opportunities.

Backed by investors and analysts.

The planned medium and long-term investment underpins the creation of new projects.

Diversification in the present and future.

The number of sectors affected reinforces its position as a diversifying agent.

Challenges and opportunities of a new era.

When it comes to a new technology with great implications, the Metaverse offers a wide variety of opportunities and challenges to face.

The new forms of social relationship that are emerging allow for the creation of new communities of users with new codes and languages of their own.

Augmented reality offers a unique opportunity to rethink e-commerce and its relationship between physical and virtual spaces.

The decentralization of jobs offers a unique framework in which to develop new proposals for remote collaboration that are much more immersive and productive.

The greatest challenge it faces is the interoperability between different platforms, which will mark the final explosion of the next evolution of the internet.

Be part of the change in the new era of the Metaverse.

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Ready to take the next step? Select a day and time for an initial call with our new business team.

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Ready to take the next step? Select a day and time for an initial call with our new business team.

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