— Travel and Technology: the symbiotic duo that has transformed how we move around the world.
When Tourism mutated in a decade.
Of how tourism was before the internet, there is almost nothing left. Companies like Booking, AirBnb or TripAdvisor have profoundly and forever changed the way we travel, based on the paradigm shift in technology.
With a high level of digitalization, the tourism sector, both on and off, continues to grow without stopping. In addition, the budget allocated to travel by the population increases every year, establishing itself as a spending priority for Millennials and Zs.
Just in Travel Technology, at the beginning of 2020, a business volume of $8,600 million was set, a figure that is projected to reach $12,500 million by 2027, a growth of almost 45%.

A digitized sector with opportunities.
This consolidated sector offers opportunities catering to more profitable segments.
The unwaivable spending of Millennials and Zetas.
The obsession with traveling and seeing the world is a hallmark of younger generations.
A promising projection.
The growth potential of the sector is astonishing: we will spend more on traveling in the next 10 years.

Explore top opportunities in TravelTech.
When the sector is divided, transportation, accommodation, and destination experience seem to have it all figured out. However, destination experience remains the most neglected aspect and the one that generates the most opportunities.
Transportation and accommodation still have big goals to solve, such as subscriptions for flights or accommodations oriented towards nomads and executives, where there is room for new players to take action.
In destination experience, the need to connect with the local community, the cicerone service, or the certification of genuine points of interest, are some of the opportunities ready to become business.